Monday, August 5, 2013

Hindenburg Omen Fires Off Another Volley

Just a short report today friends.  It was a long weekend in Canada so I took my eye off the markets for today.  But when I checked the market internals stats this evening I was a bit surprised to have discovered that the Hindenburg Omen issued another signal today.  It was a rather strange one as well because the numbers for the new 52 week highs and lows were BOTH higher than usual for an HO signal day.  Nonetheless, all conditions were met so the market has generated another HO signal.

With the last HO signal having occurred on June 19th, this one could be still be considered as part of a larger cluster that began back then.  No matter how we want to classify it though, the message is the same... that although the market is still officially rising (as determined by the fact that the 50 day MA on the NYSE is rising), while there were 206 new 52 week highs generated, there were ALSO 111 new lows.  And that dear readers is the exact type of polarity that the HO was designed to detect and issue an alert on.

So there you have it... another HO signal issued on August 5th, 2013.

Just a reminder....
 How fast can a bubble pop?  Faster than the blink of an eye!